ConceptCraft Analytics is a consulting firm that specializes in offering advice to customers on a wide range of management and strategic services, including due diligence, business planning, opportunity scanning, site selection, technology scouting, feasibility studies, and demand modeling and marketing strategies.
Correct understanding of the degree of competition is of foremost importance for devising effective market entry or penetration strategy. For entering and penetrating new market, it is essential to have a correct grasp of market dynamics in terms of attractiveness, degree of competition, regulatory environment, prevalent market practices related to pricing, promotion, discounts, etc.
We can assist clients’ in formulating appropriate market strategies covering segments / sub-segments to be focused, features and pricing to be offered, strategic alliances to be forged, etc. by undertaking detailed market assessment to comprehend market, i.e. level of current usage and growth prospects in different end- use segments, level of competition from domestic producers, User’s perception on product quality and procurement criteria, etc. Market research driven due diligence to understand the attractiveness of the local market, i.e., market size and growth, competition intensity and valuable insights like distribution channels, cultural, economic and social trends
During its life cycle, an organization or a business needs some kind of restructuring to sustain / accelerate growth, to accommodate a shift in company strategy in tune with market / policy changes. Different options need to be explored and assessed like focusing on a new line of business, divestments, cost restructuring, etc. In any restructuring exercise, we need to be sensitive and careful as it will have some far-reaching implications for the company’s culture, processes, and employees
The business case in support of a new policy, new strategy, new programme or new project must evidence that the intervention is supported by a compelling case that strategically fits to business, represents best public value, commercially viable and financially affordable, what is required from all the stakeholders is achievable.
We can assist our clients through compelling business case prepared adopting 5 case business model (i.e. Strategic, Economic, Commercial, Financial and Management Case) which addresses above objectives. The 5-case business model is a robust approach that ensures unbiased appraisal of options and provides appropriate implementation roadmap
Identification of appropriate project/ projects is the first pre-requisite for building and growing successful business. We believe that a consultative approach (i.e. Approach based on close interaction between the consultant and client) is the best approach as it ensures fruitful outcome from the entire exercise. Such an approach helps us understand clients’ vision, perspective and organizational capabilities in terms of operational, management & financial strength and infrastructure facilities, which would further help us to identify projects which have high degree of synergies with clients’ existing set up, i.e. projects having forward, backward, horizontal linkage; projects offering possibility of using the available infrastructure and facilities; Projects having the same customer base, etc. These understanding backed up by assessment of project attractiveness through analysis of market growth and competition intensity; Risk perception and complexities involved in implementation; environmental sensitivity would help us identify appropriate projects for our clients
The basic tenet of any development and strategic growth plan is that it should be progressive as well as realistic, i.e. progressive in the sense that it should look ambitiously at the future and realistic in the sense that it should be practicable and must take cognizance of practical ground realities
Following this philosophy, we can assist clients in developing achievable vision and strategic plan by identifying areas of gap through in-depth SWOT analysis; creating and evaluating alternate scenarios and follow-on strategic action plan to bridge these gaps. The strategic action plan is essentially a “Roadmap for Development” that includes development actions to support various strategies (growth and supporting strategies) thought out to attain the contemplated vision
Prior to taking financial exposure in any project, lenders (Banks and Investors) ought to conduct thorough assessment of various risks related to technical, legal & commercial viability. We can assist lenders by providing due- diligence services in all phases of the project, i.e., Pre-investment, Construction and Operation phase.
We employ qualitative and quantitative research techniques to provide a broad spectrum of consultation and market/sector research services from focus groups and stakeholder interviews to surveys and mystery customer research. Our colleagues have extensive skills and expertise in the collation, analysis and interpretation of information. We help organisations make the best use of information which ultimately improves the effectiveness of their decision making processes
Location selection decisions for investments are complex and influenced by a wide number of factors. While some of these relate to the inherent advantages offered by a state / districts / regions and the intrinsic and unique characteristics of an industry, others are driven purely by the organizations’ internal investment policy. Further, with the changing socio-economic and investment landscape in the country, there is competition among different geographic regions for attracting a share of investments. New strategies and schemes are emerging for attracting investments. As a result of these dynamics, geographical advantages and factors once considered stable are increasingly becoming ephemeral. As there are too many choices for locations,
We have developed multiple-criteria based evaluation, which includes developing appropriate site evaluation criteria based on minimal needs of this project and assigning relative weightage to each criterion based on the perceived criticality of each factor in relation to specific needs of the facility / project
Technology selection is one of the most crucial aspects in the project planning process as it has crucial bearing on the long- term viability & sustainability of the project, especially in the era where technology obsolescence is fast. Technology decisions are often full of complexities as there many technology sources and options. Besides, there are many aspects like variations in minimum economic size for different technologies; sensitivity to nature and quality of feedstocks; level of sophistication; environmental and safety compliances, etc also add to complexities.,
We follow multiple criteria-based evaluation which factors in all these complexities, i.e., Technical Factors (Minimum Economic Size, Feedstock compliance, Level of Sophistication, O&M flexibility and Ease), Economic Factors (Capital Cost, Operating Costs) and Miscellaneous Factor (Environmental & Safety Compliances, Provenness of Technology, After Sales Support etc)
Feasibility / Viability Study is an important step in the pre-investment decision making stage as it gives crucial insights and a holistic view of the potential benefits, challenges, barriers and constraints that could determine success / failure of the project, venture or a business. It assesses feasibility / viability of project / business from various angles, i.e., technical, market, economic, environmental, legal and operational.
We can assist in preparing feasibility studies for internal Go-No Go decision making as well as for availing loans / funds from lenders or investors. Our bankable feasibility reports are specifically tailored to meet the requirements of financial institutions and investors who seek assurance that their funds will be invested in a viable and profitable venture.
We have established a solid reputation thanks to our abilities and knowledge in every facet of the industrial and real estate sectors. For the purpose of conducting Techno Economic Viability (TEV) studies in the Gujarat Region, we are appointed consultants with the State Bank of India (SBI) and the Bank of Baroda (BoB).